Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A call for Deoderant!

•June 28, 2009 • Leave a Comment (Edit)

I just got back from our JET information seminar in downtown VAncouver where pretty well every speaker today made sure to suggest that we bring our own deodorant because Japanese deodorant is apparently quite evil. Not only is it impossible to get solid deodorant sticks, but the ‘odd smelling’ sprays that they do sell over there are apparently quite ineffective — especially in the extremely hot and humid weather that we will be arriving to in Tokyo at early August. We heard stories about how bad they smell, how expensive it is, how ineffective it is, one speaker even claimed that it will make your skin fall off — although i’m pretty sure that was a joke. Anyway, that was the detail that stuck out most from 8 hours of seminars that we had today.

I’ve actually only got a few minutes here before i head to a dinner engagement, but i wanted to try and get a post in for all of my loyal readers out there — or whatever. But I will be sure to update with more info on the seminars (i’ve got more tomorrow) and maybe a couple of out of focus and blurry photos as well. Having mentioned this, i think that these will be goals for on this blog: that is, to try and make a post every day; and also that i will try to make use of a lot of my own pictures (photography being a bit of a hobby of mine). Anyway, just a short one for today.

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