Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Old Man on the Back Porch and that... Old Man is Me

It's Sunday and many of the other ALTs were invited to spend time in Aizu with homestay families. Due to my particular contract arrangements, I was not invited. Maybe it's not a bad thing though. I've had a chance to spend time recharging in my apartment for a couple of days and I'll probably be heading to Aizu next weekend for some sort of social gathering.

In the meantime, I've managed to spend some time learning how to stitch photos together and have made a composit of the view from my back porch. It took me way too long to do, and i discovered that there was also a gap between a couple of my photos, which made it take even longer, but I'm pretty happy with the results overall. I don't think it's too bad for not using a tripod. The panorama makes use of 8 photos in total.

While viewing this photo, it might be a good idea to open one of the following links in a new window (right click on the link and select "open in a new window"), press play, and then come back to this post.

Background Music
Background Music (alternate)

(Click on the photo to see it enlarged)

1 comment:

  1. This is very cool. I'm impressed you did it without a tripod! You should come by to get my porch view. Cityscape with a mountain backdrop; it's my favorite thing about my apartment.
