Monday, January 18, 2010


Yesterday I wrote about drums when I probably should have been sending updates for people at home. Janice’s dad left us yesterday morning to catch a plane from Tokyo where he’ll be heading to Hawaii. It was good to see him and we had a lot of fun throughout our travels. I don’t think we would have made it all the way down to Hiroshima if he hadn’t come to Japan. Janice and I have another week together before I take her to Tokyo next Monday so that she can catch a plane leaving the next day. I’m definitely not looking forward to her leaving, but we’ve got a some stuff planned for this week – so we should be able to enjoy ourselves in the meantime.

The picture here is of Janice’s dad walking up to the massive tori gate that sits in the water at Miya Jima in Hiroshima. We arrived early that morning and there were very few people around. The tide was out when we arrived and so we were able to walk right up to the tori. Within a few minutes of being there, the water had risen up past the tori. After going up the mountain on the island, we came down to see it standing in the water as well.

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