Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ms. Green and Me

The other day, I was reading through one of my textbooks and i came across an example dialogue between two characters: Ms. Green and Megumi. The details of the dialogue aren't really important, but what i did notice was that Ms. Green was from Vancouver, she bikes to school, and she is a Leo. She also thinks Vancouver is a beautiful city. I couldn't help but think that Ms. Green and myself have a lot in common.

Our horoscope for tomorrow is as follows:

You can feel the energy shifting as a wave of positive vibrations heading your way looms out on the horizon. Your anticipation grows, but is tempered with the reality of obligations that won't go away just because things are looking up. Finding the right balance now can be tricky, so don't inflate your expectations to the point of assuring disappointment.

I don't know about you Ms. Green, but it all sounds like it could be a promising day.

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