Friday, September 11, 2009

Storefront Photos

I received a care package from home the other day – sort of a life boat/get out of jail free card for me. The main item in the parcel was my backup camera, which it looks like I will be needing in the near future as my main camera decided to abandon one of its buttons unto the city of Iwaki like a surgically removed wart. The camera has the scar to prove it. Sometimes I worry about the button, out there all alone in downtown Iwaki with no camera in which to belong. I’m sure that it’ll find its way. In any event, my camera needs fixing, which in Canada, I know takes at least a couple of weeks for just a diagnostic and a cleaning.
Another teacher gave me a ride home because balancing the box on my bike would have been… maybe not impossible, but at least damnedly difficult. This also gave me an excuse to walk back to the school in the dark and to take some photos of downtown Iwaki.
These photos are of some wares in a shop window. I’m glad I took them because the lights were off on my way home.

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