Sunday, January 24, 2010

Another Day

Here's a few photos of some friends of ours here in Iwaki. The daughter is eight years old and speaks amazing Enlgish. She lived in London for 2 years with her mom, who is an English teacher at my school. They are real nice people who have had us over for dinner a few weeks ago, and then a couple of days ago, took us to a museum in Ibaraki where we saw some amazing paintings of an artist who's name i can't quite remember. I have his name on a couple of postcards that i bought from the museum, and when i learn how to read the kanji, I will be able to share his name.

The photos were actually taken at a location close to the museum where an artist used to live and paint, and later became the namesake of the museum that we visited. Again, when i learn how to read the Japanese, I'll be able to share his name.

I took the day off today so that i could be with Janice on her last day in Iwaki. She leaves tomorrow morning for Narita airmport, where she'll catch a flight to Vancouver. Today's been about errands, packing, and now figuring out what to do for dinner tonight. I also borrowed some new music off a friend, so we've got some cool new tunes playing in the apartment to go with the sunshine shining through the windows.

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