Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Just Because

Before I came to Japan, the only images that I had of the country were either of tall buildings and bright lights, or of small huts in the middle of rice paddies. When I arrived here, I realized that I would be living in a place that was basically in between these two extremes.

My apartment building is quite new, built just over two years ago, but this is far from the norm in my neighbourhood. Many of the buildings, roads, fences, signs, bridges, etc. all show signs of being quite old – whether it be from jagged cracks, or discolourations from weathering and age.

What is great about living in Iwaki is that within a few minutes I can be in the middle of the downtown area surrounded by buildings, or if I head the other direction, I can be riding along a river beside rice paddies and vegetable plots. It’s the best of both I guess.

The photo is of an apartment building near my place. I’ve walked by the building many times and I’ve always wanted to take a picture of it. I had my camera with me the other day while the sun was setting and the sky was purple and managed to grab this shot.

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