Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Bokeh Day

I found a website recently that presented some photos that made interesting use of bokeh. Bokeh actually comes from the Japanese word “boke” or ぼけ, which means “fuzzy.” In photography, the term refers to the quality of blur for a particular lens. There is both “good bokeh,” which is a very soft and even blurring effect, and “bad bokeh,” which is more harsh. I thought that I would play around with my lens to see what kind of bokeh effects I could get with it – although, I’m not quite sure whether I’ve captured good bokeh or bad.

I didn’t really get much done today, other than harvest bamboo with a Japanese family in Yotsukura, and then, eat lunch with them for several hours which resulted in me being very drunk by mid afternoon. Overall, it was a very fuzzy day.

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