Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sean's Here!

My friend Sean, from Vancouver arrived a few days ago. He’ll be staying with me for about 12 days before returning home.

He’s been here so far for two full days and he’s already fixed one of my chairs, cooked dinner once, and made lunches for us another. He also does the dishes while he cooks. Upon waking up one day, suggesting that we should go for a hike and only had 30 minutes before catching a train, he had made sandwiches for us in about the time that it took me to get changed.

Sean’s a good guy to have around.

We’ve also managed to eat sushi, soba, udon, curry, onigiri, ramen, and gyoza since he arrived late Friday night; I like having someone around that can keep up with my appetite. He’s also been able to see most of downtown Taira, been to the ocean, and hiked through Setogaro park, which follows a river up into the mountains where he climbed up alongside several waterfalls.

It’s Golden Week this week, so there are lots of festivals to see. I think we’ll try to get to Onahama today and then Yotsukura tomorrow.

Here’s a few photos from our day yesterday.

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