Saturday, July 11, 2009

What to Bring to Japan

As of today, I leave for Japan in 3 weeks. That’s 21 days, or 504 hours, etc. that I have left here in Vancouver. That’s not a lot of time. I swear that yesterday I still had 6 weeks left. 3 weeks left, my Japanese is terrible, and there is still lots left for me to do.

The other day I thought that I would start packing for Japan, but I was getting a bit overwhelmed, so I decided to make myself a list, which would serve as my comprehensive guide to what I need to bring to Japan. For my flight, I am allowed 2 pieces of luggage that cannot weigh any more than 50lbs each and one carry-on. When I arrive in Tokyo for our seminars there, one bag gets shipped to the city I will be working in, while the other piece of luggage and my carry-on stay with me for 3-4 days in Tokyo.

This is the extent of my life that I plan on bringing with me to Japan – Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated. I realize that the camera stuff might be a bit excessive, but how could i not take my camera stuff to Japan? Is it weird that I’m posting the contents of my luggage/life on the internet?

  • pants x2
  • shorts x2
  • swim shorts x1
  • gym shorts x1
  • t-shirt x2
  • polo shirt x1
  • collar shirt x2
  • underwear x5
  • white socks x3
  • black socks x3
  • tie x1
  • belt x1
  • hat x1
  • suit x1
  • running shoes x1
  • dress shoes x1

  • toothbrush
  • deodorant x3
  • hair putty
  • toilet paper x1 (just in case)
  • sunblock
  • clippers
  • scissors
  • razor
  • blades
  • shaving cream
  • aspirin
  • toothpaste x3

  • Multi vitamins
  • fork/knife/spoon
  • batteries
  • leatherman
  • ipod/cable/headphones
  • watch
  • alarm clock
  • extra glasses
  • clipboard/paper
  • bbq lighter
  • guitar tuner
  • water bottle
  • compact sleeping bag
  • pillow case
  • detergent?
  • passport
  • JET handbook
  • Jet documents – contract
  • flashlight
  • books

  • card reader
  • charger
  • powerbar?
  • external hard drive/cable
  • monitor adaptor
  • flash drive

  • lenses
  • flashes
  • charger
  • cards
  • filters
  • bag
  • sync cords
  • tripod
  • umbrella stand

Gifts – little stuck on this one
  • books
  • stickers?
  • pennies


  1. There are a few different opinions on presents.
    Some people like to bring stuff for everyone, some think it's meaningless & don't bother, then there's everyone in between. I think it's nice to do it. It is traditional, and a nice thing to start your new job with !! I'd go with a large box of something edible (individually wrapped inside if you can) for your base-school's staffroom, something small (trad. Canadia souvenir) for your immediate supervisor, and maybe a touristy picture book for if you do a homestay, etc
    Stickers & such can be great for the kids (but maybe not at HS so much)

  2. Thanks for the tips -- i'll definitely have to go out and make a bit of an effort to track some of this down.

  3. Wow, your packing list is excellent! My small tips are there are quite many 100yen shops(Japanese: hyaku en shop) which sell a wide range of products for 105 Yen per item (100 Yen plus 5 percent consumption tax). This corresponds to roughly one US dollar per item, making the shops a great source for travelers and residents on a budget. I normally buy daily commodities there. I believe there are some big 100yen shops in Iwaki too. If you forget something, this shop will be useful for you.

    About the present, as your friend John said, giving present is one of our traditional. Every time when I visit my friend's house, I bring something as a matter of courtesy. They don't expect it but, if you do, they will be pleased.

    My Japanese friends HIROMI and SATOMI are working in a souvenir shop in DT. The shop has so cute and reasonable items. If you are still looking for presents, you might be able to find something there or just talk to them and they will give you some advise. The detail is following.


    Looking forward to seeing you in Japan.
