Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tokyo Part I: Night in Ueno

Janice and I just got back from Tokyo today and we’ve spent the evening cooking up a stir fry and settling back in – well, me settling back in, and Janice finally settling into her new home for the next 6 weeks.

I spent a bit of time in Tokyo when I first arrived in Japan for orientation, but I was pretty busy with seminars and being incredibly jet-lagged that I didn’t see much of the city at all. Over the last few days, we ate fantastically, saw a ton of Tokyo, walked for hours, and took many photos.

We stayed at a hotel close to Ueno Station, which is a pretty central hub on the Yamanote line. After picking Janice up at the airport and bringing her back to the city to find our hotel, we had a sushi dinner and walked around Ueno for the evening. We ended up in the park with a small bottle of sake, taking in the busyness of the city, and enjoying the clockwork of trains coming and going from the station.

It’s a bit difficult to take good photos in a city that is so vast and so busy – especially when trying to see as much as possible in about 3 days. In many places, it’s about impossible to even stop moving because of the crowds of people moving you along. Many of the photos I took were at a very high ISO, wide apertures, and slower shutter speeds. I often just had my camera at chest height and shot blindly at anything and everything.

These are some shots from our first night around Ueno.

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