Monday, December 21, 2009

Tokyo Part II: Faces of Harajuku

Janice got her first experience working as an ALT today. I took her to my special needs school, Taira Yogo Gakkou. There were three stipulations involved in the principal’s decision to allow her to come to the school:

1.) She would be allowed to come to the school only once.
2.) She must assist in the instruction of the students.
3.) We could only refer to her as Bryce’s “friend” – nothing more.

It also turned out, when we arrived at the school, that she wasn’t scheduled to work with the elementary students because if there was any difference in our accents, it would confuse the children. As it turned out, she got to attend another class to help bake cookies instead. As always, the day at the school was full of self-introductions about where we come from and what we like, origami, baking, songs, Christmas decorations, and this time I brought some photos of Christmas back home.

I think the teachers ended up liking Janice much more than they like me, as they showered her in gifts of calendars, tea towels, cookies, and handcrafted bells. The vice principal even made us both coffee – something he’s never done when it’s just been me at the school.

It was a good day – and Janice got to speak with a few English-speaking Japanese teachers.


I’ve included photos from our wanderings through Harajuku and then on our way to Shibyua. This is the second installment of photos from our adventures in Tokyo.

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