Thursday, February 11, 2010



Janice and i were in Kamakura for the insanity that was New Year's day. Thousands of Japanese people come to Kamakura on this day to pray at the many temples and shrines that are in the area. One temple Janice and i went to wasn't very busy at all. It was built up a hill, so we had to climb several stairs to get to it.

As we climbed to the temple, I saw a man taking a photo off to the side. Naturally, i walked over to see what he was taking a picture of. As i approached, he looked at me and then pointed out into the distance and said, "Fuji-san." It was fairly clear out, but still a slight haze in the air, but sure enough, in the distance, i got my first, and so far only glimpse of what i knew as "Mt. Fuji."

I believe that the most popular climbing season is in July

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