Sunday, February 14, 2010

Getting it done

My correspondence test went somewhat well. I spent most of today catching up on lessons that I should have finished a long time ago. With each test however, there are a few questions that never make sense to me, no matter how many times I look up the words, or find examples throughout the book. Naturally, I usually ask a teacher for help on these questions. Because the envelope needs to be postmarked by the due date in order to be accepted by the body organizing the course, I drop it into the mailbox the night before. Today being Sunday however, I did not have a chance to check the difficult questions with one of my Japanese colleagues.

Instead, while I was buying a stamp for the envelope, I thought I’d ask the person behind the counter at 7-11. I figured she probably speaks Japanese well enough to answer a few questions on a beginner’s Japanese correspondence test. The lady seemed a bit confused at first, but quite willing to help. It took a while before I managed to communicate that I didn’t actually need to find an exit to the library in order to drink my juice and that it was a character named “B-san” who hypothetically needed to quench his thirst – and that I only needed to clarify a few verb conjugations. We had to go through them a few times and I was still a bit confused when I left the store, so eventually I decided I needed some expert help after all and I phoned a friend – albeit, not a Japanese colleague, but a fellow foreigner who’s Japanese is quite good.

Then it was under the bright fluorescent glow of the vending machine beside the postbox, where I sat and remedied a few errors. With the last minute haste involved with this assignment, I wouldn’t be surprised if I get some negative results next month. Oh well, I’m allowed one fail for the course.

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